Friday, December 17, 2010

On Language

This is the second project for general illustration.

The assignment was to illustrate an article about language. The article talked about how other languages compared to the english language are more descriptive and vivid. The article used the example of the japanese language and how they have words for sounds and emotions that the english language does not, like for example for a person that is mad in japan they are called a kan kan. "kan kan" is the sound of boiling water in japan. Its the sound a tea kettle makes when the water boils therefore if someone is mad they are called a kan kan. The japanese language has other words that take the place of sounds.

So, for this illustration which is 8 x 10 I illustrated an angry business man with a tea kettle for a head since he is mad like a kan kan. He is also wearing a cape made out of the english alphabet. His mad because he cant understand since he is limited by the english language. So his destroying the town made out of blocks of different languages, chinese, japanese and german. Also the people running away from all the chaos if you look closely at their ties, they have the japanese characters for the sounds of screaming like "AHHHHH" and "AH AH AH"

and its raining, the rain also makes a sound the character for that sound is on the umbrellas.

overall this is one of my favorite illustrations I have done.

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